1. WiFi 扩展器:
WiFi扩展器是一种网络设备,用于在网络信号下降时扩展已连接的WiFi网络的范围。当信号在网络中下降时,它会增加信号的放大倍数。它基本上是在 WiFi 路由器和用户设备之间建立的设备。每当信号强度下降时,它都会增强来自路由器的信号。

2. WiFi 增强器:
WiFi增强器是一种网络设备,也用于WiFi网络范围的修改,但它与WiFi扩展器有很大不同。它不是安装在 WiFi 路由器和用户设备之间,而是建立在 WiFi 路由器本身上。它基本上用作WiFi路由器中的天线,扩展网络范围并使其功能更强大。


It is a networking device used to extend the range of existing WiFi network. It is also a networking device used to extend the range of WiFi network.
It increases the signal strengths to reach the destination. It eliminates the dead spots to reach the signals to destination.
It is established between WiFi router and user device. It is established on WiFi router itself.
It does not work as an antenna. It works as an antenna.
It is used in private organizations for improvement in range. It is used in large organization and residential buildings for improvement in range.
It is used at places where WiFi signals can’t reach at all. It is used where WiFi signals reach but are weak.
Its establishment is complex. It is easy to establish.
It is more costly. While it is comparatively less costly.